Monday, July 12, 2010

A changing heart

Hey guys!

So the first half of today Me and Larry spent running errands around the City. First we picked up a load of bricks and brought them to the school for the hardworking group of Haitians to continue work on the school. After that, I am pretty sure God was just teaching Me and Larry a lesson in patience! Today was the second day this week that we have gone from hardware store, to hardware store looking to buy an air compressor.. Each place recommended another place which recommended another. I think air compressors may be as hard to find as white people in Haiti! ;)

After another failed attempt at that, we began work on the building across from our house. It is an International Child Care building, which handles sponsorships of the children in this country. We are going to be putting up horizontal support beams on either side of a wall which was damaged by the earthquake.

I have found myself extremely spiritually disturbed today.. I was not sure why I felt so uneasy in my spirit, so I spent a lot of time in prayer today, and read a lot of the word tonight.. I feel like God is moving in me a lot.

Changing me. A lot.

I have been reflecting on the person I was before this trip... I feel like so much of my focus before recently has been on fighting my "human" or "sinful" side. But now I feel like God is trying to change my focus to be more then that. Instead of simply trying not to do wrong, I feel like I should be striving ahead towards Christ and not accepting anything less then holiness. REAL holiness. I don't want to just be known as a good or kind person anymore. I want to be known as someone who contagiously overflows the love of Christ! I want to be someone, who doesn't need to explain where he stands, because all his actions scream exactly where he stands! I don't want to see and think about only the physical world anymore. I want to see beyond, into what truly matters, loving the souls and spirit of BOTH those who stand by me, AND those who oppose me.

I can feel my beautiful Savior taking me to the next step in our relationship..
I am humbled and amazed that the Creator of the universe would even give me the time of day to speak to my heart!

Here are some verses which have spoken to me lately.. I hope they impact you as well!

"Do not love the world, or ANYTHING in the world, if anyone loves the world, the love of our Father is not in him." 1John 2:15

"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need and has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?" 1John 3:17

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope that we profess, for He who promised is FAITHFUL. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:23-24

"Avoid godless chatter, cause those who indulge in it become more and more ungodly. Their teachings will spread like gangrene." 2Timothy 2:16-17

"Above all else, love each other DEEPLY, because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1Peter 4:7

"Finally brothers, whatever is TRUE, whatever is NOBLE, whatever is RIGHT, whatever is PURE, whatever is LOVELY, whatever is ADMIRABLE- if anything is EXCELLENT or PRAISEWORTHY- think about such things." Philippians 4:8

Once again thank you all for all your guys continued prayers! I am so excited for all the things God has yet to do while I am here in this country.

Lots of love!



Kris said...

I know I say this every single time.. but I LOVE THIS!... I could not help but just smile and really just rejoice and enjoy the fact that you are seeing the world through totally new and fresh eyes!..

My favorite part is when you referred to Jesus as you beautiful Savior.... :) I just cannot express how excited I am for you and even in the frustrations of an aggravated spirit... or learning patience (TIA... or actually TIH) ;)

I love you, and continue to pray for you... and for all the ways that you will now see the world as if in color for the first time. :) I love you oodles of noodles!

Unknown said...

God's word is soooo precious! Giving strength and hope wherever we find ourselves, praise God!

Thank you for your posts they are wonderful and inspiring to read. We continue to pray for you! Love you! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kiddo,

Dolly Dufour wanted me to tell you that she couldn't get the computer to let her sign up as a follower of your blog, but she reads it every day, as do many members of her family, even in other states. And she has also printed it out and is passing it around to those who can't sign on and read it for themselves.

She said that she and her whole family are praying for you.

Take care, son. You are ministering to far more than you know. Keep it up.

Love ya,


Brit said...

I love reading your blog and hearing what God is doing in your life to help those in our world. I can feel what you have said and makes me think ALOT of the trip I went on to many people need our prayers. We don't really know or feel what is truly going on until we, ourselves, are there with them. All of it definitely is an eye opener to sooo many things and God does so much more on and in our hearts.

Praying for you and that God continues to do His stuff in and through you!! :)