Thursday, July 15, 2010

Work ethic and new faces.

Hello again to all my awesome readers!

Today me and Larry picked up more supplies for the Haitians working on the school. I have a lot of respect for those hardworking men! They get paid roughly 8$ US, a day for work.. Which is extremely good since the average income for a Haitian is 1$ US, a day.. And only 80 percent of Haiti is officially unemployed.

When we went to drop off another 300 blocks to the work site I unloaded the blocks from the truck and handed them off where each block gets passed from person to person and carried up some steps and stacked by the building. Now my hands are cut up, blistered, and callousing, and my back is as tight as a rock, but every one of the working Haitians has hands as hard as leather and back muscles that put Americans to shame! Some of the men work in shoes that are falling apart to the point that their feet are touching more ground then rubber. They wear the same clothes every day and hardly have much water to drink, yet they work a full day without a complaint(at least that I am aware of). Their work ethic is truly amazing to me.

This afternoon Me, Larry, and Jean went to the airport and picked up a new group of missionaries from New Point Community Church in Ohio. I have talked to a few of them, and they seem like a good group of people! All of them are very flexible and willing to serve in any way. I am looking forward to see all that God will accomplish through them.

I must thank you all AGAIN for the support and prayers. I don't think I could have asked for a better group of people praying for me. I have felt extremely loved and encouraged by you guys!

Finally, I would like to make clear that everything I talk speak of on here is fully to Gods glory. I am never seeking any kind of recognition for anything I do here. It is through GOD that there was even a way for me to be here. He moved mountains to send an insignificant 19 year old to Haiti, who will accomplish part of HIS mission here. Please praise HIM, not me for everything good that happens here.

I love you guys!


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