Our internet works again! The internet here has been down for several days, so for all my avid readers I hope to be posting a blog every day that the wifi here will allow. :)
Except for today, I have continued working in the FOHO building rubble this week. I have made a few friends with the Haitian workers. Since several of them speak english decently I have had many deep conversations about bible doctrine, politics and just just life in general. Though they are all very strong Christian men, many of them have a very different view of the world then I do, but nonetheless it is always interesting to understand different viewpoints and beliefs that might not fully correspond completely with my world-view. And that is okay, because I find that it is more important that in order to reflect Christ to the people around us that we don't get caught up in the little details that ultimately don't matter. 2 Timothy 2:23-24 goes into detail about this. Check it out.
This is Eric, Pierre, Me, and Jean. These three men grew up in an orphanage, and had the opportunity to go to college. Jean graduated from seminary and is looking to become a pastor here. Pierre wants to continue his education by moving to Canada, where he can go for his masters degree in science. Eric is probably one of the most good humored men here, he is always making people laugh. He graduated from bible school, and now wants to go back to school to study music.
Saturday evening Me, Larry and the Missionaries from Ohio all took another sightseeing trip through town, and up the mountain overlooking Port Au Prince. On the way back down the mountain it started POURING rain! And obviously since we were all in the back of the truck we all got soaked. I think that was the first time I have been cold in Haiti. Hehe! But as soon as it started raining everyone started laughing, and we all had a good time even though we were all soaked and cold. Good company is always important to making what could be a bad memory, a good one! =)
Here is Me and Larry on the overlook above Port Au Prince.
I will continue to pray for all you guys! I pray that God is ever present in your lives, always teaching, blessing, and healing you guys.
Lots of love!
Yes! Pictures of you! lol This makes me happy!
Elijah!!! :D
It's so wonderful seeing you with Larry and the friends you have been working with. I can tell from the first picture that you are definitely working hard (not that I thought you would do anything but it) :)
Man you're muscular! These pictures really show it. Well we've always said you had the looks hahaha :D
It's great seeing the friendships and bonding that you have formed with these good people.
I love you,
I continue to be so proud of you!.. I really cannot wait to see all the ways God changes and molds you. I love watching this progress throughout the days you are there and the things you are talking and pondering about. :)
It seems like you are learning a LOT about humility working next to these Haitian men.. especially Haitians that are so incredibly educated and intelligent, and yet are working just like anyone else... Hard.
I miss you like crazy, and can't wait to actually hear your voice and talk to you about all of this stuff :) Stay focused, learn as much as you can, commit humility into your heart, and remember every little sound, smell, thought, and conversation.. God will bring them back later to remind you and continue to teach you more later :)
I LOVE YOU like a fat kid hates dodgeball. :)
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