Now that the technology is working again, I can update you all on what has been happening!
Sunday morning the group of missionaries from Ohio, left for home.. They were an extremely good group of people! Every single one of them was more then willing to do any sort of work and I never heard any of them complain a single time. I had the pleasure of getting to know several of them well.. I had several really cool, deep conversations with a few of them. They quickly accepted me as part of the group, and we all got along, and worked together really well! Even though most of them battled sickness throughout the week, they were always in good spirits, which made for a pleasant week. :)

From left to right.. Pastor Scott, Terry, Shauna, Me, Tony, Pastor Ted, Daniel, Butch, Andy, Lauretta, Jim, Lucian, and some random guy on the street.
On another note, as I have already mentioned I have been helping clear the rubble from the FOHO building that collapsed. This is what the site looked like right after the earthquake...

This is what the site looked like right after the earthquake...
This is what the site looks like now.. What you see here is the garage, and basement of what was a 4 story building.
Here is another angle from on top of the old FOHO building.
This is the old FOHO building which stood next to the 4 story building.. It lasted the earthquake, but will be demolished due to structural damage.
Tonight God has laid on my heart a burden of compassion. As I write, in this moment there are people right outside this house which I am staying, that are living in tents lined all along the street.
Here I am...
I am equipped with everything I need right here, all the while there they are trying to sleep under a tarp with a dirt floor and water running through their tent... How this fair? Simply because I was born in the US, I am given a life full of everything I want, whereas they have almost nothing.
I pray so fervently that God will bring good from this poverty!
On a more positive note, I had the pleasure of handing out some of our extra ready-to-eat meals to one of the families that live down the road from Me and Larry. Between the last two teams of Missionaries, we were left with more meals then we knew what to do with.. I know that our contribution is extremely minute against the starvation in Haiti, however generosity is contagious and I pray that each Haitian will excel further to look after his brother.
As my trip is winding down to a close, I am constantly reminding myself to live in the moment and soak up every sight, sound, smell and memory. I am continually reminding myself to appreciate every person I am in contact with; for I don't know if I will see any of these people again... But I hope that again I may be blessed enough to return to this country.
Lots of love!
Wow, I really love this blog. I appreciate the pictures you took, they really make me feel like I'm there.
I'm so happy you are getting this chance to be there in Haiti. It's so awesome that you are here doing the work God wants you to do! I miss you a lot, and can't wait to give you a hug :)
Love you lots!
The difference you made in just the physical landscape is amazing, and I'm sure in hearts as well.
Praying for your safe return & ongoing strength.
Can't wait to see you! Love you!
=D. You my friend have such AMAZING heart! ... I couldnt help smile when you said something about "compassion being on your heart!" =)
Youre great! .. And I can tell just from talking to you, hearing you write, and seeing you in pictures that God has started a GREAT week in you! ... And I believe that NOTHING will take that away from you!=)
Stand strong and be ready for when the devil starts attacking.
Keep growing the LOVE&COMPASSION that God has placed in your heart!=D Its so great to see, Elijah! Im so proud of YOU! Happy flights *and dont you be letting anymore Haitian girls hit on you. HAHAH =P Love ya
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